Multidimensional Approach to Children and Youth Behavioural Problems through Implementation of the MDFT Programme
Project promoter: State Child Rights Protection and Adoption Service
Project tittle: Multidimensional Approach to Children and Youth Behavioural Problems through Implementation of the MDFT Programme
Project code: LT03-1-SADM-TF-001
Eligible project costs: maximum eligible costs of the project up to EUR 1 751 804,06, of which up to EUR 1 019 999,94 is Mechanism funds and up to EUR 180 000,05 is budget co-financing.
Project contract date: 24 February 2020
Project implementation period: 24 February 2020 - 30 June 2023
The aim of the project is to test and adapt the Multidimensional Family Therapy Program (MDFT) in Lithuania, providing program services to children and young people aged 11-19 with serious behavioral problems.
MDFT is an evidence-based, integrated, comprehensive, family-oriented behavior change program for children and young people with serious behavioral problems who have already committed criminal activity.
Why is this project needed?
Children and young people, whose behavior differs significantly from their peers and accepted cultural and ethical norms, do not give in to the impact of the general education Environment, is one of the biggest social challenges in Lithuania. This project will pay special attention to children and young people whose behavior is socially unacceptable, aggressive, provocative, associated with a sudden change in emotions and low self-esteem. So far, programs or other measures that can be described as successful in effectively changing their behavior are not available to these children and young people or their relatives in Lithuania.
What will be done while implementing the project?
The project will seek integrated solutions to help children and young people wit serious behavioral problems. These problems often manifest themselves in social acts that violate existing norms of behaviour, criminal acts, and inability to successfully adapt in the community and society. The aim is to ensure the services available to the target group in Lithuania by adapting the Multidimensional Family Therapy Program and thus ensuring a wider and more accessible network of behavioural correction tools and services in the country. During the implementation of the project 3 MDFT teams will be established and will provide services for members of the target group using methods of adapted program.
Target group that will feel the direct benefits of this project: children and young people aged 11-19 with behavioural disorders and members of their families and immediate communities.