Working together for green, competetive and inclusive Europe

About the program

Environment, Energy, Climate Change

Environment, Energy, Climate Change

Programme title Enviroment, Energy, Climate Change
Programme code LT05
Programme grant A total of EUR 12,000,000 has been allocated to the program, of which:
EUR 12 000 000 from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism
Programme contract day 11 February 2020
Programme implementation period The deadline for the implementation of the projects under the program is 30 April 2024 
End of the programme – 31 December 2024. 
Programme Partner(s)  Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
 Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania
 Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania

Bilateral Relations Strengthening  Projects were implemented with a budget of € 4 718,70 

Read detailed descriptions of project activities here


Marius Navadunskis

(Central Project Management Agency)

EEA and Norway programmes senior project manager (Central Project Management Agency)

+370 658 02789

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