Project promoter: Šakiai district municipality public health bureau (LT)
Project title: Health While Young 2
Project code: LT03-1-SAM-K01-002
Project eligible expenditure: EUR 247 160,78 (EUR 210 086,65 grant from the EEA financial mechanism; EUR 37 074,13 budget co-financing)
Project signature date: 17 March 2021
Project implementation period: 17 March 2021 - 17 March 2023
Aim of the project: The project "Protect Health While Young 2" is aimed at reducing and preventing youth health inequalities in Šakiai, Marijampolė and Vilkaviškis districts. At least 1,300 young people from different municipalities will be involved in the project activities. To address youth health issues, the project will implement 8 Youth-friendly Healthcare Services (YFHCSS) delivery algorithms, the application of which will help to solve youth mental health, nutrition, reproductive health, sexual education, obesity, and external causes of death, also will ensure appropriate, high-quality and timely provision of these services to young people.
To achieve the goal, the project envisages development of YFHCSS Coordination Center in Šakiai district municipality and establishment of new YFHCSS Coordination Centers in Marijampolė and Vilkaviškis district municipalities, establishment of YFHCSS cooperation network in partner municipalities, YFHCSS publicity, YFHCSS trainings and camps for target audiences - specialists and youth.
The YFHCSS model developed during the project will not only help to solve youth health problems faster and more efficiently, but also to assess what services are lacking in municipalities, whether the provided services are easily accessible to young people. The developed and adapted algorithms for solving youth health problems can be used as tools to help shape the youth health strategy and at the same time help reduce health inequalities between Lithuanian districts (and regions).
Target groups of the project: Young adults (14-29)
Project partners: Vilkaviškis District Municipality Public Health Bureau, Marijampolė Municipality Public Health Bureau